Nikki Roseberry

Breakout Speaker

Nikki Roseberry, MA

Nebraska Children and Families Foundation-
Associate Vice President of Early Childhood Mental Health


Nikki Roseberry (She/Her) has been with Nebraska Children and Families Foundation-Rooted in Relationships since 2018. In addition to Rooted work, Nikki is the product owner of the Child Care Referral Network. She developed the system from the ground up and continues to lead the development and implementation of the site. Nikki provides expertise around Parents Interacting with Infants (PIWI), data management, and evaluation including observational tools used for Pyramid. Before working for Nebraska Children, Nikki worked for the State of Nebraska - Division of Behavioral Health administering funds for and coordinating work on substance use and suicide prevention as well as mental health promotion. Nikki has spoken at several state and national conferences on topics such as Parents Interacting with Infants, Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS), and building state prevention systems. In 2017, Nikki was the recipient of the State of Nebraska’s Excellence in Leadership Award. Nikki holds two bachelor of arts degrees in Psychology and English from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and a Master of Arts in Counseling from Doane University.