Early Childhood Mental Health and Early Intervention

Breakout Session

Early Childhood Mental Health and Early Intervention

Speaker(s): Samantha Bradley
Date & Time:
Wed, Jun 26, 2024 | 9:00 - 10:10am CDT
Room: Ruby 5 (Map)

About this session

Track: Trauma and Resiliency of the Developing Child
Audience level: Foundational

Many think of Early Childhood Mental Health (ECMH) as something separate from the work they do, however all fields that work in Early Childhood have an impact on ECMH! This session will focus on connecting Part C Early Intervention and ECMH, and giving practitioners the opportunity to think of ways to enhance the work they are already doing.

Intended Audience: Early Interventionist, home visitors

Learning objectives

  • Describe what Early Childhood Mental Health is
  • Explore how it intersects and can be integrated with Part C
  • Determine other available resources